Music-based Mental Health for Older Adults

Resonance Rx is LUCID's development for older adults' mental health. We are using personalized audio to help reduce neuropsychiatric symptoms such as anxiety and agitation.
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Daily Beast
This Music-Powered Digital Drug Could Treat Alzheimer’s
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Washington Post
Why music causes memories to flood back
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LTC News
Personalized Music Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease Being Developed
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The Connection of Music and Memory

Music can light up the whole brain. With deep connections to the brain's memory system, research has shown that music has great potential for improving mood and quality of life for those living with Alzheimer's.

Our novel digital therapeutic using non-interactive music streaming will be available in upcoming months.

Development Progress

LUC-101 is currently in the Exploratory Trial Phase.

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Want to join our pilot program?

Are you a healthcare worker providing care for older adults in the US? Are you an older adult interested in our services? 

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