Sleep anxiety? Partnership between LUCID and dayzz helps users rest easy

July 25, 2022
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Anxiety, depression and insomnia are strange bedfellows. About 70 million Americans suffer from insomnia, while another 40 million suffer from anxiety disorders.

If only it were as easy as clicking a button to help you drift off. A new partnership between LUCID and dayzz does just that.

The two companies are teaming up to help people prepare their minds for sleep. Using LUCID’s AI-powered personalized music therapy, sleepy-heads can be lulled gently into dreamland.

“This partnership with dayzz is going to help us get our tool in the hands of as many people as possible,” commented LUCID founder and CEO, Zach McMahon. “We have solid clinical trial data right now that validates the effectiveness of our system.”

The AI-based dayzz app identifies sleeping problems and offers a tailored sleep program that improves wellbeing through big data analysis. Now, they’re leveraging LUCID’s machine learning system that works to predict the optimal musical intervention for an individual based on their current emotional state. With LUCID’s AI on hand, dayzz is going to be able to offer a more personalized approach to help users enjoy more quality sleep.

After users complete a quick mood assessment, LUCID’s system will curate a personalized playlist. This soundtrack will help the user get into a sleepy state.

“This is our first partnership in the sleep space,” continued McMahon. “Science has shown that music can enhance sleep quality, and we’re excited to help make the experience of falling asleep more pleasant.”

“Not only does LUCID align with our mission to provide better sleep for all, but they also share our commitment to health solutions and practices backed by scientific data,” said Dr. Mairav Cohen-Zion, Chief Science Officer at dayzz.

“We’re constantly seeking to integrate cutting-edge technologies and resources to meet the individual needs of our users as we aim to make healthy sleep tools and practices accessible to all.”


LUCID develops therapeutic music experiences for mental health. By unlocking the power of neuroscience and machine learning, LUCID’s AI curates music experiences that are optimized for specific emotional outcomes. They aim to provide personalized, evidence-based, and accessible solutions in mental health care. LUCID is working towards the clinical validation of music as medicine.

LUCID’s latest clinical trial is The Effect of Music & Auditory Beat Stimulation on Anxiety. For more information, please visit

About dayzz

dayzz is an innovative organizational sleep program solution backed by scientific research that provides end-to-end sleep solutions for many sleep difficulties. Through its mobile app, powered by AI along with human sleep trainers, device integration, and supporting content, including reports, dayzz is a one-stop-shop enabling individuals to find the best solution for their sleep problems and allows organizations to promote a healthier, happier, and more productive work environment. To find out more visit:

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Kendall Saretsky

Mind Meld PR Inc.
